Monday, January 17, 2011

Not really John Healy...

This was supposed to be a sketch of John Healy but it looks absolutely nothing like him... :D


  1. very nice indeed. who is john healy?

  2. There was a documentary on about him last week, on RTÉ, very interesting character. Homeless Irish guy in London who because a pro chess player, then packed it in because he realised he'd never be the best, years later wrote his autobiography which was critically acclaimed. He fell out with the publishers and they put him out of print until recently when penguin classics reprinted it - something like 15 years after they put him out of business. Well worth watching the doc if it's still in RTÉ's Player. The publishers & lit crowd come out of it looking like a stuck bunch of arseholes.

  3. It's really lovely, lovely paintbrush techniques.

    Sounds like a great documentary alright! I had to google him myself.

  4. Yeah its definitely worth a watch.Still up..

  5. That's a pretty good likeness Tomás, love the dreaminess of it. Heard him on the radio a few weeks ago very interesting man must watch the doc.

  6. the pose reminds me of The Screaming Pope by Francis Bacon. Dunno why really!

